Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Brainwave Entrainment - Does it really work?

Brainwave Entrainment - Does it really work?
Does brainwave entrainment really work? Or is it just another gimmick? I'm sure that this question has crossed your mind more than once if you have read anything on the benefits of brainwave entrainment - especially if it was a sales page for a brainwave entrainment product.
After all how can one thing offer so many benefits?
I decided that despite all the scientific studies done to prove the effectiveness of brainwave entrainment the only way I could make up my mind was to try it out for myself.....in other words to use myself as a guinea-pig. I am in good-health with no illnesses so I wanted to use brainwave entrainment to increase my mental focus and clarity, reduce stress and help me to sleep better.
I began to listen to a brainwave entrainment recording each morning on awakening for a period of one week. I made note of my energy levels, the amount of work I accomplished each day, my mood and how well I slept each day.
After one week I stopped the brainwave entrainment sessions completely. Again I made note of my energy levels, mood etc.
And the results astounded me. I had accomplished 300% more in the week that I had listened to the recordings as compared to the week in which I hadn't listened. My energy levels were way higher as well. In addition I was happier and less stressed. And as an added bonus I was falling asleep more quickly and not waking up several times at night like I used to.
So, scientific research aside, brainwave entrainment works for me.

Brainwave Entrainment is to your brain what exercise is to your body.

Brainwave Entrainment is to your brain what exercise is to your body.
Just as exercise strengthens your body and keeps it functioning at it's peak, brainwave entrainment keeps your mind fit and operating at it's peak. Think of it as an aerobic workout for your mind.
The more you use a muscle the more it grows and develops and the stronger it becomes. The less you use it the more it atrophies and wastes away. Can you afford to let your mental muscle -your brain- waste away?
I think not. Just 20 minutes a day will keep you mentally fit and raring to go.

The 4 Brainwave Patterns - What do they do and why are they important.


There are four basic brainwave patterns:

Beta waves are associated with normal waking consciousness. This is the state in which we spend most of our day, when awake, that is.They are present when you are focused on activities in the outside world. Many people lack sufficient beta activity, which can cause mental and activity which can cause mental and emotional disorders such as depression, ADD & Insomnia.
Stimulating Beta levels can improve emotional stability (no more mood swings), attentiveness, concentration and even increase IQ.

Alpha waves are compared to a light meditation - A focused but relaxed state of mind. They are prevalent when you daydream. They will become stronger when your eyes are closed. Intense levels of concentration are easy to achieve in this state.
The Alpha brainwave state is also known as The Super Learning State. In this state the mind takes in information faster and retains it for longer than in any other state.

Theta waves occur during heightened states of creativity and are also produced during the dreaming stage of sleep or during deep meditative states.
Theta is also a state of tremendous stress relief. In this slower brainwave pattern the body releases endorphins which help the body to relax and melt away stress.
This is one of the most important patterns for self-development. It is in this stage that the critical and often self-sabotaging filters of the conscious mind are bypassed and new beliefs and thinking patterns can be established.
3o minutes a day of listening to Theta can reduce your sleep time by up to 4 hours! Yep, you can sleep 4 hours less each night by listening to theta sounds for 3 minutes each day....amazing, isn't it?

The slowest of all brainwave patterns Delta waves are found in a deep dreamless sleep state or unconsciousness. Delta brainwaves are common in very deep states of meditation. This state of mind is one in which both hemispheres of the brain work together in harmony. This high performance 'whole brain thinking' is associated with genius.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Why are brainwave patterns important?

Why are brainwave patterns important?
In the last blog post I explained what brainwaves are. In this post I want to explain the importance of brainwave patterns to you.
Your brainwave pattern is directly related to your present state of mind. So a person who is calm and relaxed will have a very different brainwave pattern compared to one who is agitated and anxious. Likewise a person that is sound asleep will have a different brainwave pattern from one who is wide awake and involved in a complex mental task - like say studying for a exam.
The most amazing part though, is that scientists have discovered that you can alter your state of mind by altering your brainwave pattern. This isn't nearly as complex as it sounds and I'll explain more in a future blog post so stay tuned........to the brainwave-entrainment blog.

What exactly are brainwaves?

Brainwaves explained.

In order to fully understand brainwave entrainment you need to understand how the brain works and in this as well as the next few blog posts I will be explaining that in a simple and easy to understand way.

Every single moment, from the moment you were born until the day you die yor brain is pulsing with electrical activity.

This electrical activity is measured in Hz and is called brainwaves.

So basically brainwaves are the different levels of electrical activity that take place in the brain.